The face behind the Face – introducing you to Lauren!

Photo of Lauren Hislop

Photo of Lauren Hislop

Loving what you are reading on our Facebook page? We’re thrilled to have Lauren on the team and hope to bring you lots more fantastic and useful information via our website and social media.

Let’s hear more about her!

“Hi I’m Lauren. I’m extremely passionate about inclusion and human rights. I have cerebral palsy. I don’t think having a disability is a big deal. Some people have red hair, some people have a disability. It’s just a fact of life. Unfortunately often society doesn’t view disability in this way.

My disability has certainly not prevented me from achieving my goals. I’m a social researcher with three university degrees (I collect degrees as other people collect stamps).

I am intelligent and extremely humble [not quite]. I collect uni degrees like people collect stamps! I love reading. I even read expiration dates when I’m desperate. I live with my partner. I love theatre and art galleries. I love spending time with my partner, family and friends. I love discussing ‘taboo’ topics such as politics. I also have a very unhealthy love of tea.

I am also an NDIS participant and live and work in the Hunter NSW site. I have had involvement with helping people with disabilities get connected and informed in this region.

As you can tell I have an ‘ordinary life’. However, without the right kind of support this “ordinary life” would not be possible. I’ve confronted challenges to obtain this ‘ordinary life’. I’m still perplexed by people without a disability who are surprised when I tell them about my life. They are surprised that my life is seemingly ‘normal’. This illustrates an ingrained notion that people with disabilities cannot achieve an ‘ordinary life’.

Some people have perceived my disability as a deficit. I don’t see my disability in this light. I’m a strong proponent of the social model of disability. I believe that society ‘disables’ people due to prohibiting them from accessing the community.

It’s sad that in 2016 some people are still prevented from living how they choose. However there are many people achieving this. We should share our stories with each other. If we embark on this journey together, hopefully everyone will be able to achieve an ‘ordinary way of life.’ I believe this is what InCharge is about: Helping people to live how they choose and to live an ‘ordinary life.’



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