Our online sessions dig deeper

Michelle Donelly, Course Co-ordinator Occupational Therapy Southern Cross University, has been a participant in our online sessions and contacted us about the difference she saw in our sessions.

Our online sessions are highly practical and designed to assist those in services looking to support people with disabilities take more control. You get to learn firsthand what people are saying they need and the solutions they are seeking.

Thanks Michelle!



“You find people using words like person-centred and individualised a lot, but only a few really understand the profound meaning and transformation of experiences involved. It’s a huge cultural shift. What Libby Ellis of InCharge brings to our attention is the incredible importance of sustained real life experiences and the great insights that come from a hard won, values based analysis of experience. This depth of insight is essential to the success of person centred approaches. This depth is also a hallmark of the professional development opportunities pioneered at InCharge.”

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