Informal support and carer groups

Photo of a group of people at an NDIS information session

Photo of a group of people at an NDIS information session

Tailored NDIS information sessions

We run tailored information sessions for members of your group or organisation.

We get great feedback on our sessions!

“This was the most helpful NDIS information session I have been to, and I’ve been to a few. Some of the carers that are part of our carers group are here and I can see how they have shifted from worry just in this one session” 

We can help you help your members

The NDIS will be a success when participants are feeling prepared, informed and confident.

We’re interested in working with your organisation to share our knowledge and train your leaders to provide detailed planning support and experience to other people with disability and families!

What’s the InCharge difference?

  • We’re focussed on the perspective of people with disability and families
  • We get real: acknowledging deep fears and flaws in the scheme
  • We get smart: what are the opportunities for better if we move beyond our worries and get strategic?
  • We’re independent: you don’t just have to think same-old-same-old any more. We want you to know new possibilities to experience genuine choice and control
  • We break down successful experience in the planning process.

Some organisations we have run successful events for

Contact us  to book your information session.