Image of three girls fitting large blue puzzle pieces together. This is a guest blog post from Cheryl McDonnell, a parent who has been through the NDIS process. Many thanks to Cheryl for … [Read more...]
You Are The Authority In Your World
Thank you again for your continued engagement, interest and support. I wish you a restful break and wonderful new year. 2016 has been quite the year, hasn’t it? With full scheme NDIS roll-out from … [Read more...]
Help! How do I get Plan Management AND Supports Coordination from my NDIS plan?
This is the sixth post in our blog series about some of the common confusions and inconsistencies we’ve heard from people coming out of NDIS planning meetings. We’ve been responding to some of these … [Read more...]
Hiring workers, ensuring quality: responses from Hireup, Better Caring and My Supports
In short: We've got a great conversation going about the ins and outs of new ways people can find support workers. Read on for our latest addition! It all started with the fourth piece in our … [Read more...]
Yes we want to hire workers more easily. But let’s also talk safeguards and support
We recently published our last confusion-clearing piece called 'Is it true that self management means hiring all my workers?' Well we got some great responses and comments and asked one commentator … [Read more...]
“Is it true that self-management means hiring all my workers?”
This is the fourth post in our confusion-clearing and myth-busting series about the NDIS. Thank you to everyone who’s provided feedback so far – keep it coming! Here is another myth that has come … [Read more...]
A Quick Guide: What Happens When You Agency-Manage Your NDIS Funds, And Are You Stuck Doing That Forever?
This blog post has come about after receiving this question via the InCharge website: ‘I’m just wondering if we go with an agency to manage the funding for our plan for the first year, will it be … [Read more...]
What on Earth is Support Coordination, Plan Management and LAC?
This is the second post of our six-part series on confusion-clearing and myth-busting pieces about the NDIS. As we said in the first post, What’s going on with the float for people who self-manage … [Read more...]
What’s going on with the float for people who self-manage their NDIS funds?
This is the first post in a six-part series of confusion-clearing and myth-busting pieces about the NDIS! We hope it is helpful. As always, your feedback is welcome - particularly feedback where … [Read more...]
She who pays the piper calls the tune: exploring self management and the NDIS
We have been writing about the different ways you can manage your NDIS funding. 1. You can have the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA or Agency) do it 2. You can use a Registered Plan … [Read more...]