This is the fourth post in our confusion-clearing and myth-busting series about the NDIS. Thank you to everyone who’s provided feedback so far – keep it coming! Here is another myth that has come … [Read more...]
A Quick Guide: What Happens When You Agency-Manage Your NDIS Funds, And Are You Stuck Doing That Forever?
This blog post has come about after receiving this question via the InCharge website: ‘I’m just wondering if we go with an agency to manage the funding for our plan for the first year, will it be … [Read more...]
What’s going on with the float for people who self-manage their NDIS funds?
This is the first post in a six-part series of confusion-clearing and myth-busting pieces about the NDIS! We hope it is helpful. As always, your feedback is welcome - particularly feedback where … [Read more...]
She who pays the piper calls the tune: exploring self management and the NDIS
We have been writing about the different ways you can manage your NDIS funding. 1. You can have the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA or Agency) do it 2. You can use a Registered Plan … [Read more...]
Holding onto the heart of the NDIS: How the NSW planning process is shaping up
In this piece I hope to provide a run down of what it looks like we can expect from the NSW NDIS planning process. And some suggestions for how to make the most of the process. It is taken from … [Read more...]
How to create a team that can manage themselves and be accountable
Lyne Mear is a consultant in Human Resources, Industrial Relations and Employees Relations. Her focus is creating work places that are self-generating, solution oriented and enjoyable. One of the … [Read more...]
Online recording – Direct your support and live your life!
You can access our online session on self directed support from November 2014. Do you feel limited by what’s on offer and want to decide how you are supported and who does it? Are you working in … [Read more...]
A sides and B sides: the grooves of ethical partnership
What are the elements that make for good ethical partnerships between families and services? We haven’t been partners Families have been very used to a system in which professionals and service … [Read more...]
Recruitment success: getting clear on your purpose
Really good paid support is a key aspect of taking more control, being able to get on with your life and sustaining effort in self direction. Attracting, inviting and supporting the ‘right’ people is … [Read more...]
The benefits of self-directing support
Check out our fabulous guest speakers for our upcoming events! Register here for our webinar on the 5th November 2014 Register here for our information sessions in Newcastle, NSW, on the 13th and … [Read more...]