In short: We've got a great conversation going about the ins and outs of new ways people can find support workers. Read on for our latest addition! It all started with the fourth piece in our … [Read more...]
Yes we want to hire workers more easily. But let’s also talk safeguards and support
We recently published our last confusion-clearing piece called 'Is it true that self management means hiring all my workers?' Well we got some great responses and comments and asked one commentator … [Read more...]
“Is it true that self-management means hiring all my workers?”
This is the fourth post in our confusion-clearing and myth-busting series about the NDIS. Thank you to everyone who’s provided feedback so far – keep it coming! Here is another myth that has come … [Read more...]
There is no “I” in team: Lessons in creating your own dream team
Carolyn Campbell-McLean is Senior Facilitator with My Choice Matters, NSW. For 13 years she has used the Attendant Care Program and has self-managed her support for 6 years. This involves managing a … [Read more...]